What does this all mean? I invite you to consider these berries' initial presentation and put forth your own opinion. Rarely is one person's political commentary enough. Since this is my blog, I'll start us off.
My read of the blue marble phenomenon has troublesome implications for the Democratic party. To have such a large contingent of the blue tubes' representation contaminated with mold suggests either that the principles or approach of the party is failing. An alternative interpretation is that one tube (one candidate, perhaps?) is off to a quick start but that the direction is fallible. What about the lack of change in the red tubes? We must consider that the red tubes do represent the conservative party. Conservatives tend to resist change, after all. The small amount of dehydration (indicated by shriveled skin) demonstrates some initial signs of fatigue early in the race. We might expect some of the specimens to endure the race differently. It will be interesting to seewhat happens by the next primary. Super-Duper Test Tubesday appears to be the next contest of note. Check back then for more completely serious analysis.
I hope by this point that you realize my method as no more rotten than the analysis techniques favored by the talking heads on the news networks.
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